…the Livin’ is Easy

I haven’t had any coffee today. What started as a dull ache is now a throbbing headache. The best part is that I have to work here in about 30 minutes. But, we’re having steak tonight (at home) so that makes it all the more bearable. I’m also making mushroom sauce and mashed potatoes. We were going to have some French bread too, but the mold got to it before we did. I suppose that’s part of living in a humid environment, especially in the summertime.

A couple weeks ago, we piled into the car to drive down to Austin, TX to visit family. We ended up driving through the night and were exhausted the next day. We had a nice, albeit short, visit. We went to a reception at the Texas Culinary Academy on the Friday we were there. Oh. My. The food was grand and plentiful. There were lots of students dressed up in their chef garb with plates of hors de ouvres. There was pan after pan of cookies and all kinds of fancy treats. There was an ice sculpture the shape of a clam with huge cocktail shrimp in the bowl part. We could have stayed there all day feeding our faces. It was excellent!

On our return home, water started collecting on the floor in our car in the back. By the time we pulled up in front of our house, there was standing water back there. Apparently, it had something to do with our AC. We ran it quite a bit that weekend. It is central Texas in the summertime after all.

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