Hey There, Hi There, Ho There

Um…Hi! How are things? All is well on the exercise front for the most part. I took a break from the 30-Day Shred and threw in a little Turbo Jam to spice things up a bit. 🙂 But you know what? I’m tired of talking about exercise. So, on to other things.

Today was a teaser for spring! It was so beautiful outside. I can’t wait to start my garden again. But you know what I found still alive in my flower bed? Weeds! And you know what else? They were still GREEN! What’s up with that, I would just like to know? I could have spent quite a bit of time outside this afternoon WEEDING MY FLOWER BED IN FEBRUARY! That just doesn’t seem right. I have to hand it to those weeds, though. They sure know how to drive me crazy survive the cold weather. Well, what’s on the menu for my garden this year? I’m so glad you asked because I will tell you just that.

To make it more fun, I’ll have you figure it out by the process of elimination. Zucchini plants? NO WAY! Carrots? Probably not. We just aren’t big carrot eaters around here. Lettuce? Nah. Okay, have you narrowed it down yet? 🙂 Just kidding. Here’s the tentative garden list for this year:

Green onions
Green beans
Peas (maybe)
Bell peppers

That may be it. I don’t know yet. This list is subject to change. I saw that is is supposed to snow on Saturday, so after that, maybe it’ll be warmer more consistently. However, there is a slight drawback to all this talk of gardens and warm weather and what not…the creepy crawlies will be back to torment me. But, alas, I am willing to march right into the throws of bugdom with my bottle of Raid and care for my veggies!

Well, I suppose I better call it a night. The morning will come early. I don’t know what workout I want to do tomorrow. The shorter, the better. 🙂

2 Replies to “Hey There, Hi There, Ho There”

  1. Hi Honey,
    I am thinking about putting in a garden this year. I don’t know if I can get anything to grow or not. I have a brown thumb. Anyway I may call for advise. Take care, I love you.

  2. If the weeds are growing so well, you could just have a weed garden 🙂 I am planting a garden this year also. Josh’s dad and I are co-gardening. I am excited. I love the idea of getting out in the dirt, creepy crawlies and all. You have given me some good ideas on things to grow also. Never thought about growing garlic. You are a genius! And jalapenos… Another fantastic idea!

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